Folk Art by Linda Nelson

Written By Ravinder Kumar on Saturday, July 17, 2010 | 10:43:00 PM

Folk Art by Linda Nelson

10:43:00 PM | 0 comments | Read More

How to Make Extra Money - Unique Ways to Make Money

How to Make Extra Money - Unique Ways to Make Money

Many people these days are wondering how to make extra money from home. They find that their current incomes are not enough due to that the living costs are always increasing. Therefore, there is a demand to find ways to make extra income online. If you are one of them, below are creative ways to make money online.

Make Money With Online Data Entry Jobs

Many companies these days are outsourcing most of their tedious paper work online in order to cut cost. By employing people to do work from home such as organizing companies' databases, preparing spreadsheets, etc, companies can reduce their cost. This is because if the work is to carry out by an office worker, there are overheads that they need to take care of for running the work in an office environment. You should make use of this great opportunity to look around on the internet and find legitimate companies to work with.

Make Money Taking Surveys

There are companies who are willing to compensate you for your time in helping them fill up survey forms. These surveys are conducted mostly to provide feedback on their products or services. With the feedback acquired, companies can try to improve their products or services to help serve the consumer better and hence increasing their profit. This explains why they are willing to pay you for completing the surveys. Try to find the genuine companies to work with online.

Make Money Selling Other People's Products

Another way to make money online is to sell other people products known as affiliate marketing. Here, you need to sell their products through an affiliate link placed in your website. When anybody clicks on your affiliate link and bought something through your link, you earn a commission.

Make Money With Master Resell Rights Products

If you do not have your own product to sell, you can sell products with Master Resell Rights. These products are products that you bought online and you bought it with the Master Resell Rights. Once you bought the product, not only you can use it as your own, you can also sell them and earn 100% profit for yourself. There are lots of such products online. To find good quality ones that you can use it yourself and sell it to others, it may not be a difficult task if you know where to look for.
10:43:00 PM | 0 comments | Read More

beautiful carving

beautiful carving

10:40:00 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Aqua Tower in USA, Chicago

Chicago has been home to hundreds of skyscrapers since 1885. The first building to be build was only 42 meters in height and was finished in 1891. The photos here are pictures of the New Water Tower also known as the Aqua Tower. The tower is built with the illusions of waves engulfing the entire tower. The tower has 82 stories and also has six levels of parking underneath the building. The tower has been built by Jeanne Gang who is the first woman to be commissioned with a project as big as this one. The tower has attracted a lot of attention and is one of the tallest structures in Chicago. The building is a part-residential and part-office complex and houses a lot of amenities like pools, gardens, gazebos and walking tracks. The building also contains a hotel that occupies the first 15 floors. The unique wave design of the building has got a lot of critique from architects but has been well received by everyone.

10:38:00 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Jenifer Lopez At Monaco

Jenifer Lopez At Monaco

10:34:00 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Zara Sheikh - Cute Pakistani Model and Actress

Zara Sheikh - Cute Pakistani Model and Actress

10:30:00 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Citrix iPhone 4: Nirvana phone Portable Desktop Client

Citrix iPhone 4: Nirvana phone Portable Desktop Client

Critix has been touting its “Nirvana phone” concept — a handhold device that can be paired with a monitor / keyboard for remote desktop use — for quite some time now. Back in February, the minimum hardware specs were nothing to challenging, and as it turns out, Apple’s iPhone 4 pretty much exceeds ‘em by a long shot. And it has VGA out capabilities and Bluetooth keyboard support. So, you can imagine where this is going. The company is back in what looks like the same depressing cubicle space to show off what looks to be a mature demo of the Receiver 4.0 virtual desktop client on an iDevice, pushing 1024 x 768 resolution and some gesture integration as a mouse replacement. There’s definitely some noticeable lag, but hey, you gotta start somewhere. Video after the break.

10:26:00 PM | 0 comments | Read More

The Proper Way to Resume

The Proper Way to Resume

According to, the average hiring manager will review over 1,000 resumes to fill a single position listed on popular job sites or in the classifieds sections of major newspapers.

To stand out, you need a flawlessly written, skillfully crafted resume that showcases your skills and accomplishments.

But let's face it. Most of us are not skilled resume writers. Most of us can't even spell. So, unless you are willing to hire a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), this can be a tedious, unpleasant task. But you must do it if you want an interview. Lucky for you, there are some general, simple rules about writing winning resumes that you can follow to give yourself an edge.

I have received resumes with no phone numbers, e-mail addresses and/or names. Sometimes there were e-mail addresses, but they were so vulgar, I thought I'd be fired if anyone ever saw it on my desk. And then other times, the font is so out there - Qs become 2s, Ts become bs, numbers look like letters, letters look like symbols...and well, I've got hundreds of other resumes to choose from, I don 't need this! Keep it simple. Begin your resume by centering your name, bolding it for added emphasis. Separate your most important contact information (phone numbers and e-mail) flush left and flush right. Now, a hiring manager has quick access to this data.

P.S. If your name is Steve and a hiring manager sees Setve - they are going to assume you are Russian, call you Setve. Please don't correct them. Better to be Setve than to admit you misspelled your own name.

Employ a Qualifications section - a summary that emphasizes your talents. Unlike an objective that tells a hiring manager what you want, a Qualifications summary tells them what you can offer their company. And that's what they are going to be paying you the big bucks for. If you must have an Objective, you can place it in a cover letter, tailoring it to fit the specific company.

Did you know that most applicants receive no more than ten seconds of consideration before being excluded from the placement process? Recruiters are busy and have little time to afford to each resume. Because a resume is read so quickly, it's essential to make your accomplishments stand out. Visual distinction between your job duties and accomplishments is a must! Use bullet points. List only jobs that bear relevancy to your current professional goals. And please don't use personal pronouns (I, me, we). These make the documents seem far too casual � you're trying to project professionalism.

Here's the truth. Hiring managers don't care that much about where you went to school, when you graduated, the courses that you took and the awards that you received. So this should be at the end of the resume. Even if you just graduated. Professional experience is more important. $80,000, 3 dean's lists, multiple awards and honors and a 3.95 GPA me, the truth hurts me too!

Make sure they are relevant to your professional goals and make sure they are at the bottom of the resume.

Personally, I don't have enough time to read cover letters. I find them annoying, redundant and they are just another opportunity to misspell a word or ten. However, there are HR people out there for whom a dynamic, professionally written cover letter can be an impressive complement to your resume. But I don't write or read them, so do an Internet search for some good cover letter writing advice from someone who does.

* Try to keep your resume to one page by beginning with work started immediately upon graduation.
* Do not include �References Available Upon Request,� as most employers understand that you will provide them. They are generally not requested until you actually fill out a job application. And there are some recruiters out there that will use those contacts for the purposes of filling the same position you are applying for.
* If you are just starting out in your career, list computer skills to showcase your ability to work with various pieces of software.
* Check, double check, triple check for typos and misspellings.
* Make the font big enough for the 25 and 55 year-old Recruiters to read.
* Keep your D.O.B, picture and drawings off the resume.
* Bring a hard copy to all of your interviews and make sure you don't whip it out of your back pocket.
* Print your resume on nice paper.

If you follow this advice, you should have a powerful, well-organized tool filled with pertinent data - A proper resume. Happy job hunting!

Articl Source:
10:19:00 PM | 0 comments | Read More

The Proper Way to Resume

The Proper Way to Resume

According to, the average hiring manager will review over 1,000 resumes to fill a single position listed on popular job sites or in the classifieds sections of major newspapers.

To stand out, you need a flawlessly written, skillfully crafted resume that showcases your skills and accomplishments.

But let's face it. Most of us are not skilled resume writers. Most of us can't even spell. So, unless you are willing to hire a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), this can be a tedious, unpleasant task. But you must do it if you want an interview. Lucky for you, there are some general, simple rules about writing winning resumes that you can follow to give yourself an edge.

I have received resumes with no phone numbers, e-mail addresses and/or names. Sometimes there were e-mail addresses, but they were so vulgar, I thought I'd be fired if anyone ever saw it on my desk. And then other times, the font is so out there - Qs become 2s, Ts become bs, numbers look like letters, letters look like symbols...and well, I've got hundreds of other resumes to choose from, I don 't need this! Keep it simple. Begin your resume by centering your name, bolding it for added emphasis. Separate your most important contact information (phone numbers and e-mail) flush left and flush right. Now, a hiring manager has quick access to this data.

P.S. If your name is Steve and a hiring manager sees Setve - they are going to assume you are Russian, call you Setve. Please don't correct them. Better to be Setve than to admit you misspelled your own name.

Employ a Qualifications section - a summary that emphasizes your talents. Unlike an objective that tells a hiring manager what you want, a Qualifications summary tells them what you can offer their company. And that's what they are going to be paying you the big bucks for. If you must have an Objective, you can place it in a cover letter, tailoring it to fit the specific company.

Did you know that most applicants receive no more than ten seconds of consideration before being excluded from the placement process? Recruiters are busy and have little time to afford to each resume. Because a resume is read so quickly, it's essential to make your accomplishments stand out. Visual distinction between your job duties and accomplishments is a must! Use bullet points. List only jobs that bear relevancy to your current professional goals. And please don't use personal pronouns (I, me, we). These make the documents seem far too casual � you're trying to project professionalism.

Here's the truth. Hiring managers don't care that much about where you went to school, when you graduated, the courses that you took and the awards that you received. So this should be at the end of the resume. Even if you just graduated. Professional experience is more important. $80,000, 3 dean's lists, multiple awards and honors and a 3.95 GPA me, the truth hurts me too!

Make sure they are relevant to your professional goals and make sure they are at the bottom of the resume.

Personally, I don't have enough time to read cover letters. I find them annoying, redundant and they are just another opportunity to misspell a word or ten. However, there are HR people out there for whom a dynamic, professionally written cover letter can be an impressive complement to your resume. But I don't write or read them, so do an Internet search for some good cover letter writing advice from someone who does.

* Try to keep your resume to one page by beginning with work started immediately upon graduation.
* Do not include �References Available Upon Request,� as most employers understand that you will provide them. They are generally not requested until you actually fill out a job application. And there are some recruiters out there that will use those contacts for the purposes of filling the same position you are applying for.
* If you are just starting out in your career, list computer skills to showcase your ability to work with various pieces of software.
* Check, double check, triple check for typos and misspellings.
* Make the font big enough for the 25 and 55 year-old Recruiters to read.
* Keep your D.O.B, picture and drawings off the resume.
* Bring a hard copy to all of your interviews and make sure you don't whip it out of your back pocket.
* Print your resume on nice paper.

If you follow this advice, you should have a powerful, well-organized tool filled with pertinent data - A proper resume. Happy job hunting!

Articl Source:
10:19:00 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lake Louise: Your Dream Place - Canada

Lake Louise: Your Dream Place - Canada

Lake Louise is a lake in Alberta, Canada. The glacial lake is located in Banff National Park, 5 km (3 mi) from the hamlet of Lake Louise and the Trans-Canada Highway.Lake Louise is named after the Princess Louise Caroline Alberta (1848–1939), the fourth daughter of Queen Victoria and the wife of the Marquess of Lorne, who was the Governor General of Canada from 1878 to 1883.

10:18:00 PM | 0 comments | Read More
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