10 Story Building Transform the Facade 1000 Recycled Doors

Written By Ravinder Kumar on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 | 1:24:00 AM

10 Story Building Transform the Facade 1000 Recycled Doors

10 Story Building Transform the Facade 1000 Recycled Doors

South Korean Artist Choi Jeong-Hwa used 1000 brightly colored recycled doors to transform a bland 10-story building into an eye-popping visual indulgence. Jeong-Hwa is a master of using found objects to make provocative spaces, and the project is one of his most ambitious attempts to place normal things in an extraordinary way. The doors stretch up the scaffolding of the mid-rise, giving the hulking mass a pixelated charm. 02 more images after the break...

10 Story Building Transform the Facade 1000 Recycled Doors

Choi Jeong-Hwa’s imagery is born out his desire to let art engage with the greater population. His work is almost delusional – he takes ordinary, often discarded items and uses them to create unique spaces.

1000 Doors engages with the entire city of Seoul through its immense scale. The mass of doors reads like a crazy advertisement from afar. Up close, the juxtaposition of the common doors scaling the full height of the building is a bit jarring, if not amusing.

The piece makes a statement about how art changes how we see, as Jeong-Hwa puts it: “People think you can only find Korean Art in Museums and Galleries” for “other artists”. The ambiguity and strength of his work rests in the tactile quality of the discarded object itself.

10 Story Building Transform the Facade 1000 Recycled Doors
1:24:00 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Animals with Extraordinary Qualities

Animals with Extraordinary Qualities

The strongest animal
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities

The strongest animal in the world is copepods. Being just one millimeter in length of copepods is the strongest and fastest multi-cellular creature. Relative to their size, copepods move with the highest acceleration of the body relative to the length of a second. Scientists are now studying prygatelnye ability of the animal to be used in the technology of robots. Copepod is 10-30 times stronger than any machine or an animal in the world.

They were born with extraordinary qualities, and each of them is exceptional in its own way. Here are the most powerful, poisonous, loud, fast, long and old representatives of the animal world. 14 more after the break...

The most high-profile animal

Animals with Extraordinary Qualities

Blue whales produce the loudest sounds in the world using low-frequency pulses, whose intensity has a noise to 188 decibels. The cries of blue whales can be heard at a distance of 800 km. Blue whales also are the largest animals.

The most Deadly  Insect
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities

The female mosquito is the deadliest creature in the world. These mosquitoes that carry malaria, every year killed more than a million people around the world.

The most Poisonous
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities

 One kubomeduza with 60 tentacles, though the length of each of them is 4.5 meters, has enough poison to kill 60 adult humans.

The oldest animal
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities
 The oldest reptile is a Galapagos giant tortoise, which can live for more than 175 years. However, among the oldest animals have such representatives as the oceanic Venus - Clam, who lived to 405 years.

The fastest aquatic mammal
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities
 The fastest water mammal is the Dall's porpoise, which can swim 56 km per hour.

The longest pregnancy in animals
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities
 In Asian elephants duration of pregnancy is 19-22 months.

The most intelligent animal
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities

 The most intelligent animals, except man, is the chimpanzee, followed by a dolphin.

The longest migration of all Birds
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities

 In arctic tern is the longest migration of all birds. They overcome a distance of 22 400 km. Among mammals, the champions of migration are the gray whales and northern elephant seals, who every year are the way to 20 900 km round trip.

The highest flying bird
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities

Mountain geese - the most high flying birds. There is evidence that they can fly at an altitude of 10.175 meters and above.

The slowest animal
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities

Garden snail slowest animal, which is 48 meters per hour.

The highest and longest land animal
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities

The longest and highest terrestrial animal is the giraffe. It can grow to 6 feet in height, which is approximately equivalent to a two-story building.

The fastest Bird
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities

The fastest bird of prey animals is the peregrine falcon. It can reach speeds up to 321 km per hour.

The smallest insect
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities

Wasps crumbs mimaridy - is the most small insects, whose size is about 0.46 mm.

The longest animal 
Animals with Extraordinary Qualities
Animals are the longest nemertean worms, species Lineus longissimus. The longest of representative reaches 55 meters in length.
1:14:00 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Simple Public Figures

Simple Public Figures

A beautiful art by Ali Jabbar — Simple Public Figures 08 more images after the break...

12:59:00 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Moon Stone — Park Zeybil Dubai

Moon Stone — Park Zeybil Dubai

New Moon - an architectural project, developed Varabyeu Partners specifically for the international contest of designers as part of the Park Zeybil (Zabeel) - a new park in Dubai. Building in the form Crescent, which is in the East as a symbol of power and energy, intended to emphasize the prosperity of the modern United Arab Emirates.05 more images after the break...

Inside the building are five levels with an observatory on each. It is a symbol of the Five Pillars of Islam: Faith (Shahadah), Prayer (Salat), donation (Zakat), fasting (Syyam) and Pilgrimage (Hajj). The project also provides a place for conferences and other gatherings, cafes, children's library and customer service.

12:56:00 AM | 0 comments | Read More

10 Most Popular Breeds of Cats

10 Most Popular Breeds of Cats

A cat is considered one of the most beloved pets. With the popularity of cats may compete as soon as the dog. We offer to meet with the rating of breeds that are most popular among the people.

 And the first place is occupied by Persian cat (Persian cat). The exact origin of this breed is still not precisely determined, but their home is the area of modern Turkey. This long-haired animals with a round snout and short legs. 09 more after the break...

The second place ranking is Maine Coon (Maine Coon cat). Cats of this breed is considered one of the big cats. Some representatives of this breed weigh 15 pounds. They have a thick wool cover and a large muscular body. However, it is worth noting that the nature of Maine Coon, even in old age is a kitten.

Three leaders closes Exotic (Exot cat). It's just an amazing breed that was an accident by crossing the Persian and American Shorthair. Exotic encompasses all the best of both breeds.

The fourth place is occupied by Abyssinian cat (Abyssinian cat). Cats of this breed have a beautiful neck and big ears. For Abissinkami very easy to care for because they are short-haired breeds.

In fifth place housed the Siamese cat (Siamese cat), this breed has seen almost every. Siamese cat hard to confuse with the other by a flexible body and a triangular head. As representatives of the breed is characterized by large eyes and ears.

Regdol (Ragdoll cat) - breed of large cats with long hair and bushy tail. This breed is located on the 6th place reytiga popular breeds of cats. Distributed by several color varieties of the breed.

People who can not tolerate wool, should pay attention to the Sphinx (Sphynx cat), which is located on the seventh place. This is a breed of hairless cats, which differ with tenderness and sympathy.

Eighth place is Burmese cat (Birman cat). The first official recognition of the breed was about 85 years ago in France. If you believe the stories, the second world survived only two representatives of this breed of cats. And in the 70's rock is widely accepted.

On the ninth place is the American Shorthair (American Shorthair). The cat, with a rather large head round, and has a strong muscular body and powerful legs. But, despite all its power, it is quite moving cats.

According to statistics, in tenth place is Oriental (Oriental shorthair cat). In terms of movements and body structure, they strongly resemble wild cats. This breed is different with long legs and tail, very beautiful and expressive eyes. This breed is considered one of the most promising.
12:52:00 AM | 0 comments | Read More

100 Golden Rules of a Real Man

100 Golden Rules of a Real Man 

1) When you walk into a restaurant of national cuisine, choose the one to go to the representatives of this nationality.
2) If the airport miss a connection, search for Fast Track - a separate line for being late to transplant - or lomis in the queue for business class.
3) If a friend or loved one calls you from the police asking for help, you must do everything in your power.
4) You have the right to hit another man with his foot in the groin just in case of threat to life or health.
5) You have the right to answer "I do not know" to any question about your friend and his wife, or a specified devush Coy.
7) Always screw cap on the bottle, after nalesh (popesh).
8) You must borrow another machine, screwdriver or any other thing, if he asked you about this no later than 12 hours.
9) You do not have to be nice and friendly with their husbands or boyfriends girlfriends devush your ki.
10) If the queue is in a single window or door, always look for a number of second or machine with the same functions. And not only found him to join the crowd.
11) On the road, always missed at least a forward driving trucks. Of all the men at the wheel they are least likely to want to harm you, and most
risk in case of delay.
12) Pizza to eat with your hands, taking a piece of bread crust. Fold piece in half and oil fields, if the waiter forgot to serve.
13) If your weak or too drunk to provoke another fight, you are obliged to act on his side. But if he did run up - do not
14) Do not argue with salespeople, waiters and other staff. In case of conflict immediately call the chief of them.
15) Not a man to promise to marry or to say that you love to drag a woman into bed.
16) Do not take the company's mistress, if friends come with their wives. And vice versa.
17) Do not try to row the boat flexing his hands. Rowing - is a series of slopes with a straight back and straight arms.
18) Car rule of three "e" Give way to fool.
19) If you attacked a shark, hit the bloody stump of her hand right on the nose!
20) You must stop a drunk friend, who tries to tell you someone else's secret.
21) You have no right to claim from the woman that she spoke about her ex.
22) girl friend - not a girl!
23) If the link is broken, always calls back to the one who originally called.
24) If you broke a borrowed thing, you must fix it or buy a new one.
25) Do not cool to not go to the polls: your unused ballot box stuffing will.
26) Always call back a friend, if he could not answer.
27) If you can once again not to eat salt - no salt.
28) You must recognize the thing to throw out trash and if a) you can not use it right now b) not used it at least a year, or c) have
You have one more thing with the same functions.
29) Firing of anything was rested in that be arms and lowered his sights a little lower than it seems the rules.
30) Cigarettes not stir petrol lighters. Cigarettes can not be put out, jabbing them in the bottom of the ashtray. Simply put the butt and let him
go out.
31) The taxi always sit in the back seat.
32) When the push-ups, always tucked shirt in shorts, otherwise you will not see her belly.
33) Always ask for any-more money than it's worth it.
34) Do not betray his wife within a hundred miles from home.
35) If you get lost, meet there, where they saw each other last time.
36) never discussed the amount of the bill in a restaurant with those whom you entertained.
37) No man is obliged to shake hands with another in a lavatory or exit.
38) When eating at a Japanese restaurant, has never stirred the wasabi - let him disappear. Sushi luggage into the sauce sideways.
39) Never get involved in the conflict couples.
40) Do not stand in the left lane with a twisted left wheels.
41) Even unloaded weapons can not be sent to the person.
42) If you wear a suit has managed, the belt and shoes should be monophonic.
43) Even awkward to say, but - a run rip off the sleeve of his jacket.
44) DO NOT THIN Single malt whiskey cola.
45) Do not joke with the authorities when you ask formal questions such as "You're carrying a bomb?".
46) You've got to clean up or at least rinse your hair brush before reschesyvat just washed hair.
47) Do not wear fakes
48) The restaurant always take extreme pair of devices for each subsequent meal.
49) If in the first 15 minutes for a table pokrnym you can not understand who is the sucker, then it's you.
50) It is unworthy to drink beer from bottles, cans or plastic, if at hand is a glass.
51) You have no right to ask a friend to help you with some sort of nonsense (to fix a computer, to carry things), if one earns more per hour than the corresponding professional.
52) There is no circumstance under which a man can drink hard liquor. If "no go", mix a cocktail. Whiskey-Cola - this is not the same as that drink whiskey cola.
53) rude grumble about the quality, variety, or zaboristosti what you treat.
54) counts the money, even if you take them with friends.
55) Do not ask another "And when you get married?" in prisutstvii devush his ki.
56) If you attack a dog, pretend that you raise the stone from the ground.
57) Before the shave is better to take a hot shower to steam out the skin.
58) Do not take off your clothes before your partner during laughter.
59) On the stairs, a man must go below the woman.
60) Always book room at the hotel through the Internet, even if you are already standing in the lobby.
61) After the booze always Drink before going to sleep a little more plain water.
62) last cigarette from another Bundle can not be taken.
63) There are situations in which two men can not simultaneously be under the same umbrella.
64) Before calling the question "So where are you?" Every person needs to be late for five minutes over the deadline.
65) Three situations in which women do not skip ahead: 1) lift 2) rear seat of the car 3) a new place
66) Men do not go together to buy their clothes
67) Do not talk on a cell in a public transport than a minute.
68) At the confluence of two roads, always observe the sequence: you missed, you missed.
69) separate fighting dogs, taking their hind legs and raised over zamley.
70) Even if all the other topics have been exhausted, never ask another man who he is on a horoscope.
71) Won must give at least one opportunity to win.
72) NEVER buttoning the bottom button on his jacket.
73) Do not impose on devush ke your phone when meeting.
74) Traveling through Russia, refuel, when you have left polbaka.
75) not to drop into a dead zone for heavy vehicles. It is right at the cabin.
76) Always sprashivayrazreshenie man, before network chemvylozhit in his pictures, especially if they make the final stages of corporate parties.
77) finished with a meal, always put the knife and fork parallel.
78) Always write or call back after the first woman laughing and the next day.
79) Buckle.
80) Modify the wife with her girlfriend - zapadlo.
81) Divide by zero - you can not.
82) rude comment on the actions of man, which raises or drag of gravity, unless you are carrying this grand marble
83) Always turn off your mobile in a cinema. Zadolbali already! Said a hundred times!
84) There is only one way to pour beer man - on the wall, bending the glass.
85) When buying flowers, always take those with a longer stem. This means that they are young and they've never cut.
86) Faced with a polite attitude on the road, be sure to say thank emergency lights.
87) HEAD RULE: Praise in public, cursed in private.
88) During the arm-wrestling, always set your right foot forward.
89) In a strange city go to that restaurant, where most people.
90) Do not stand in the queue, if your time is not worth it. To do this, once and for all to calculate how much you earn per hour, and can relate this amount to wasted time.
91) When doing a census of the text into your blog, always try to find and point Sources.
92) argue, especially with a woman, an old used instead of "you-messages" "I-messages": instead of "You zadolbali" always say "I feel zadolbali", etc.
93) To take the bright light beer food (pasta, fish, cheese), to the dark - dark (roasted meat).
94) The only person who has the right to watch porn with you - this is a woman with whom you sleep.
95) Paying mortgage, car or hotel for, as well as online shopping, use the no debit card and credit.
96) Do not let the loved one in debt more than willing to give him.
97) before a medical procedure otvetstvennoy ask her opinion about the need to have at least three experts.
98) If you put a woman in an unfamiliar car, remember the number, or at least pretend.
99) No appearance or character komentiruyu devush ki, which your friend was foolish enough to start a serious relationship.
100) GOLDEN RULE ETHICS: Do unto others as you want others to do unto you.
12:22:00 AM | 0 comments | Read More
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